Smartsheet Ruby SDK Build Status Coverage Status Gem Version

This is an SDK to simplify connecting to the Smartsheet API from Ruby applications.

System Requirements

The SDK supports Ruby versions 2.2 or later.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'smartsheet', '>= 1.0.0'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install smartsheet --pre


The Smartsheet API documentation with corresponding SDK example code can be found here.

Example Usage

To call the API, you must have an access token, which looks something like this example: ll352u9jujauoqz4gstvsae05. You can find the access token in the UI at Account > Personal Settings > API Access.

The following is a brief sample that shows you how to:

  • Initialize the client
  • List all sheets
  • Load one sheet
require 'smartsheet'

# Initialize the client
smartsheet_client = 'll352u9jujauoqz4gstvsae05')

# The `smartsheet_client` variable now contains access to all of the APIs

  # List all sheets
  sheets = smartsheet_client.sheets.list

  # Default to first sheet
  sheet_id = sheets[:data][0][:id]

  # Load the entire sheet
  puts smartsheet_client.sheets.get(sheet_id: sheet_id)
rescue Smartsheet::ApiError => e
  puts "Error Code: #{e.error_code}"
  puts "Message: #{e.message}"
  puts "Ref Id: #{e.ref_id}"

See the read-write-sheet example to see a more robust use case in action.

Basic Configuration

When creating the client object, pass an object with any of the following properties to tune its behavior.

  • max_retry_time - The maximum time in seconds to retry intermittent errors. (Defaults to 15 seconds.)

Advanced Configuration Options

Logging Configuration

Smartsheet expects a standard Ruby logger. For example, to enable console logging of warnings and above, make a call such as the following:

logger =
logger.level = Logger::WARN
smartsheet = logger)

Supported log levels are as follows:

Level What is logged
Logger::ERROR Failures only
Logger::WARN Failures and retries
Logger::INFO Each call's URL and response code
Logger::DEBUG Full headers and payloads

By default, payloads are truncated to 1024 characters. To display full payloads, pass the log_full_body named flag to the Smartsheet::Client with the value true:

smartsheet = logger, log_full_body: true)

Retry Configuration

For additional customization, you can specify a backoff_method function. This function is called with two arguments:

  • The first accepts the index of the retry being attempted (0 for the first retry, 1 for the second, etc.)
  • The second accepts the Error Object that caused the retry.

The function must return the number of seconds to wait before making the subsequent retry call, or the symbol :stop if no more retries should be made.

The default implementation performs exponential backoff with jitter.

JSON Output

  • json_output - A flag indicating if data should be returned as a JSON string. Defaults to Hash output when not specified.

Assume User

  • assume_user - Allows an admin to act on behalf of, or impersonate, the user to make API calls. The email address should NOT be URI encoded.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests, with code coverage provided automatically by the Coveralls gem. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.


If you would like to contribute a change to the SDK, please fork a branch and then submit a pull request. More info here.


If you have any questions or issues with this SDK please post on Stack Overflow using the tag "smartsheet-api" or contact us directly at [email protected].

Release Notes

Each specific release is available for download via GitHub.

v1.0.0 (Nov 2017) Full release

v1.0.0.beta (October 2017) Beta release of the Smartsheet SDK for Ruby

Note: Minor changes that result in a patch version increment in RubyGems (such as updates to the README) will not be tagged as a Release in GitHub.