Class: Smartcoin::Token

SmartcoinObject show all
ApiOperations::Create, ApiResource
Defined in:

Constant Summary

Constants included from ApiResource

ApiResource::BASE_URL, ApiResource::SSL_BUNDLE_PATH

Method Summary

Methods included from ApiOperations::Create

#create, included

Methods included from ApiResource

#api_request, #encode, included, #url_encode

Methods inherited from SmartcoinObject

class_name, #create_fields, create_from, #initialize, #metaclass, #method_missing, #reflesh_object, #serialize_params, #set_properties, #to_hash, #to_json, #to_s, #url, url

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Smartcoin::SmartcoinObject

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Smartcoin::SmartcoinObject