Smart Proxy EfficientIP (plugin)


  • Ruby >= 2.5
  • Smart Proxy >= 2.3


  1. Copy example of settings bash cp config/docker_smart-proxy_settings/settings.d/dhcp_efficient_ip.yml.example config/docker_smart-proxy_settings/settings.d/dhcp_efficient_ip.yml
  2. Fill in 3 necessary settings in dhcp_efficient_ip.yml:
  3. username
  4. password
  5. server_ip

  6. Build and run container:

$ docker build -t smart_proxy_efficient_ip:latest .
$ docker run --rm --name smart_proxy_efficient_ip -it -p 4567:4567 smart_proxy_efficient_ip:latest
  1. Enter to the container (optionally if needed) bash $ docker exec -it smart_proxy_efficient_ip bash


To run all tests: bundle exec rake test


Import endpoints

File > Import (Ctrl + O)

file: postman/smart_proxy.postman_collection.json

Automated tests

  1. Install newman bash npm install -g newman
  2. Run tests bash newname run postman/smart_proxy.postman_collection.json