Smart Proxy - Container Gateway

A Foreman smart proxy plugin for Katello. Implements container registry functions for Pulp 3-enabled smart proxy mirrors.

Example Apache /etc/httpd/conf.d/05-foreman-ssl.d/docker_proxy.conf

<Location /pulpcore_registry/v2/>
   SSLRequire %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN} eq "admin"

SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
SSLProxyCheckPeerName off

ProxyPass /pulpcore_registry/v2/
ProxyPassReverse /pulpcore_registry/v2/

ProxyPass /pulp/container/ unix:///run/pulpcore-content.sock|
ProxyPassReverse /pulp/container/ unix:///run/pulpcore-content.sock|

ProxyPass /v2
ProxyPassReverse /v2
ProxyPass /v1
ProxyPassReverse /v1

Server configuration

The Container Gateway plugin requires a Pulp 3 instance to connect to. Related configuration options:

:pulp_endpoint: ''
:pulp_client_ssl_cert: 'Path to X509 certificate for authenticating with Pulp'
:pulp_client_ssl_key: 'Path to RSA private key for the Pulp certificate'

Database information

SQLite database migrations are completely automated. The plugin checks if the database is up-to-date before each query.

Katello interaction

Auth information is retrieved from the Katello server during smart proxy sync time and cached in the SQLite database.

Logging in with a container client will cause the Container Gateway to fetch a token from Katello using the login information.


bundle exec rubocop

bundle exec rake test