
SmartManaging is a tool which allow create easily a beautiful management interface while keeping the agility and the power of Rails.

Install in an existing project

SmartManging uses SmartListing, SimpleForm and Twitter-Bootsrap. You must to install it before to install SmartManaging.

To install SmartManaging you have to add this in your Gemfile :

gem 'smart_listing', github: 'GCorbel/smart_listing', branch: 'refactoring'
gem 'smart_managing'

Bundle it by using the command bundle install.

Finally, you must to add this line in you controller :

include SmartManaging::ControllerHelpers

Start from scratch

Here is an example of managing interface in less than 30 seconds

Create the application :

rails new UserManagement --skip-bundle
cd UserManagement

Add this in your Gemfile :

gem 'smart_listing', github: 'GCorbel/smart_listing', branch: 'refactoring'
gem 'smart_managing'

Run this command to download the gem with Bundler :

bundle install

Install SimpleForm by typing this command :

rails generate simple_form:install

Install SmartManaging by running this command :

rails generate smart_managing:install

Create a new model, for example :

rails generate model User name email age:integer
rake db:migrate

Edit the config/routes.rb and add :

resources :users

Open the file app/assets/javascripts/application.js and, before //= require_tree ., add this :

//= require bootstrap
//= require smart_listing

Rename the file app/assets/stylesheets/application.css to app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss and, at the bottom of the file, add this :

@import "bootstrap-sprockets";
@import "bootstrap";

Create a file named app/controllers/users_controller.rb and add this :

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include SmartManaging::ControllerHelpers
  # ... Your code

For a more simple controller, you can use inherited_resources but it's not mandatory.

Done! You can start the application by running rails server and go to http://localhost:3000.

Customize the managers

You can change the behavior of the SmartManaging for a specific model by creating a directory app/managers and a manager object. For exemple, you can have the file user_manager.rb which contain :

class UserManager < SmartManaging::Base
  def editable_attributes

  def attributes
    ['name', 'email']

This will show only the names and emails and allow to edit only the names.

A manager class must inherited from SmartManaging::Base and override his methods, for the complete list of overrideable methods, you can check this file.

You can specify a manager in the controller by overriding the manager method. For example, you can do this :

def manager
  @manager ||=