Sm-808: Drum Machine Sequencer

  • Programming a Sequencer for a Drum Machine: A Ruby Implementation of the famous "four on the floor" rhythm pattern
  • Overview of how to install: sm808 how to run

Setting up Sm-808 locally

  1. Download the gem locally
  2. This Ruby gem was developed using ruby 2.4.1.
  3. gem install bundler
  4. bundle install

Running Sm-808 locally:

  • Run ruby lib/sm808/cli.rb from the root directory.
  • Create your Drum Machine Sequencer by going through the interactive terminal-based prompts

Running the test-suite locally:

  • For testing:
    • this gem uses RSpec as its testing framework
    • run rspec spec for the entire test-suite
    • run rspec spec/music_spec.rb to run the music_spec.rb spec file
    • run rspec spec/pattern_spec.rb to run the pattern_spec.rb spec file
    • run rspec spec/score_spec.rb to run the score_spec.rb spec file

Install Sm808 globally

Feel free to skip locally setting up:

  1. gem install sm808
  2. type sm808 to run through the interactive terminal-based prompts
  3. Enjoy your drum machine sequencer!


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.