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Minimalistic slugs inspired in friendly_id for rails.


Put this line in your Gemfile:

gem 'slugs'

Then bundle:

$ bundle


Add the slug column to the tables of the models you want to have slugs:

t.string :slug

Update your db:

rake db:migrate

NOTE: If you are using translatable_records you need to place the column in the translations table.


Use has_slug in your models to define what the slug will be:

If you want to use the value of one field:

has_slug :prop

To concatenate the value of multiple fields:

has_slug :prop1, :prop2, :prop3

If you need a very custom slug you can use a lambda, proc or block:

has_slug proc { |record| "#{record.prop}-custom" }

To find a record by slug:

Model.slugged.find 'slug'

NOTE: All the path and url helpers will start using the slug by default.


This gem is maintained and funded by mmontossi.


It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.