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SLS ADF - Ruby Client Library

Ruby support for GraphQL API calls to MOE’s Student Learning Space. This includes a few functionalities: - Token management - GraphQL Templates

Requires Ruby 2.4+.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

ruby gem 'sls_adf'

Configure the gem in the following manner: (This can be placed in config/initializers/ for Rails applications)

ruby SlsAdf.configure do |c| c.graphql_url = '' c.get_token_url = '' c.client_id = 'Foo' c.client_secret = 'Bar' end

And then execute:

$ bundle


sls_adf provides ruby methods which can be used to make GraphQL calls to SLS ADF. To use, follow the installation instructions above and configure the necessary details.

```ruby # Queries response = SlsAdf::Query.user(‘id’) response = SlsAdf::Query.context(‘uuid’) response = SlsAdf::Query.subject_group(‘uuid’) response = SlsAdf::Query.assignment(‘uuid’) response = SlsAdf::Query.task(‘uuid’)


response = SlsAdf::Mutation.create_assignment(assignment_input) response = SlsAdf::Mutation.update_assignment(uuid, assignment_input) response = SlsAdf::Mutation.delete_assignment(uuid) response = SlsAdf::Mutation.update_task(uuid, task_input) response = SlsAdf::Mutation.create_notification(notification_input) ```


sls_adf uses Github’s graphql-client for graphql functionality, and Typhoeus to make http calls.

Two classes, Adapter (SlsAdf::Util::Adapter) and Token (SlsAdf::Util::Token) are defined in this gem to support the most naive use case. These classes are designed to be extended or replaced to support different use cases.

Customised GraphQL Calls

sls_adf provides pre-defined GraphQL calls to ADF. Should you require a different call, you may define new GraphQL queries, mutations or fragments. Thereafter, you can construct your own class that uses these templates and inherits from SlsAdf::Base.


Key Commands: - bin/setup: Install dependencies and copy .env file. - bin/console: Run an interactive prompt (requires configuration on .env file) - rake spec or bundle exec rspec: Run tests.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.