
Slot Machine is a rails plugin to help you write clean, readable views. It hides the ugly css in partials away from your views. Slot Machine transforms partials into helper methods. Each partial contains slots into which you can insert data, html or other partials.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'slot_machine'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install slot_machine

In your application controller

  helper SlotMachine.helper_module(path: Rails.root.join('app/views/slots/_*'))

Path can also be an Array

  include SlotMachine::ControllerConcern
  helper slot_machine_helper(path: ['my_path/_*','my_other_path/_*' ])


The simplest case

Create your first partial (app/views/slots/_my_first_partial.html.slim)

.my_first_partial #This is not required just an example
  h2 = slots[:title]
  h3 = slots[:subtitle]
    = slots[:content]

You can now write in your view:

= my_first_partial title: 'foo', subtitle: 'bar', content: 'awesome content'

or more usefull

= my_first_partial title: 'foo', subtitle: 'bar' do |mfp|
  - mfp.slot :content
    div this is great

A more interesting example

So far you could do the same with a partial. I know let's try something better.

The slot main

First there is a special slot by default: slots[main]


  .card__title = slots[:title]
    = slots[:main] # yep that's the one

you can now do:

= card title: 'foo' do
  div this is great

More then one slot


  .modal__title = slots[:title]
    = slots[:main]
    = slots[:footer]

It allows you to write something like this:

= modal title: 'foo' do |modal|
  div hey look I'm a modal
  - modal.slot :footer
    div With a footer

And combine

With the two partials from before (modal and card) we can now do this:

= modal title: 'foo' do |modal|
  = card title: 'a card in a modal' do
    div And wait there is still more

  - modal.slot :footer
    = card title: 'a card in a modal\'s foot' do
      div My example are getting a bit far fetched

What else?

You noticed all my examples are with slim. But it work great with yaml or erb.

I also name my partials with the BEM notation. I find it easier to organise them by components specialy if you already use this same notation with your css.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.