
Gem Version A small basic helper to allow progressively loading images, Nothing really special this was done more as a test to myself to create a rails gem :)


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

ruby gem 'slimline'

And then execute: bash $ bundle

Or install it yourself as: bash $ gem install slimline

Once installed to make sure that your images still work when javascript isn’t active add the following to the head tag

erb class="<%= slimline_js_check_class %>"

Then in the <head> section before any css rendering enter: erb <%= slimline_js_check %>


Now you have installed the about, you will be able to call in the body the slimine_image_tag like:

erb <%= slimline_image_tag 'test.jpg', width: 1000, small_image: 'test_small.jpg', alt: "Hello World" %>

Below is a crude example how to use this: ```erb <!DOCTYPE html>

Slimline <%= csrf_meta_tags %> <%= slimline_js_check %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %> <%= javascript_include_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %> <%= slimline_image_tag 'test.jpg', width: 1000, small_image: 'test_small.jpg', alt: "Hello World" %>


You are also able to add a srcset tag to the slimline_image_tag that will do srcsets too e.g:

erb <%= slimline_image_tag 'test.jpg', width: 1000, small_image: 'test_small.jpg', srcset: "<%= image_path 'test_x1.jpg' %> x1, <%= image_path 'test_x2' %> x2 ", alt: "Hello World" %>


Tests are my next step in learning, so tests are currently not present.

To contribute, fork, make your change and do a pull request.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.