
A light and sweet template language.


  • Pure Ruby syntax
  • Html friendly
  • 0 learning cost

Quick Start


gem install slight-lang

# you can also build gem from gemspec
# gem build slight.gemspec
# gem install ./slight-lang-1.0.5.gem


- Command
root@ubuntu: slight [-v] <source> [<output>]

# slight index.slight index.htm
# => index.htm
root@ubuntu: slsh
sl:> button 'btn btn-success btn-lg', name:'btn_submit', type:'submit' do
sl:>    "Submit"
sl:> end
sl:> ;   (Enter ';' to run the script)

# compile from file
sl:> @../../example/component.slight.rb
LOAD PATH="../../example/component.slight.rb"

# help
sl:> \h
 @file    => load and compile file dynamically. E.g. @/tmp/page.slight
 >@       => set output. E.g. Open: >@/tmp/output. Turn off: >@off
 \eg      => example
 \q       => exit
 \v       => show version (also: \ver, \version)


- Pure Ruby Syntax
tag_name "class", [attributes: id, name, style, etc.] do; <content>; end

# example
div "panel panel-lg", css: "border: 5 dotted green", id: "msgbox" do
  button "btn btn-primary" do
- HTML attributes and tags are naturally supported
- Support Shortcuts for HTML tags and attributes(can be customized)
  • Attribute Shortcuts
shortcut attribute shortcut attribute
:css style :fn src
:ln href :lang language
:url href :xn xmlns
:char charset :mf manifest
# example
  div css:'border: 10 solid blue' do; "hello"; end
# <div style="border: 10 solid blue">
#   Hello
# <div>
  • Html Tag Shortcuts
shortcut attribute
_ <div>$content</div>
js <script language='javscript'>$content</script>
use <script type='text/javascript' src='$content'></script>
use <link rel='stylesheet' href='$content'></link>
# example
  js %{
    console.log("hello slight");
# <script language="javascript">
#   console.log("hello slight");
# </script>

  use 'resource/bootstrap.js'
# <script type='text/javascript' src='resource/bootstrap.js'></script>


- Usage (more details please refer to example)
conf = do |c|
  c.shortcut :A, :endpoint, "href"  #add an attribute shortcut
  c.shortcut :T, "box", "div"       #add a tag shortcut

custom_engine =
- Configuration Options
shortcut :A, :endpoint, "href"  #add an attribute shortcut
shortcut :T, "box", "div"       #add a tag shortcut
# set output IO
setIO        STDOUT
# undef ruby methods in slight context
blinding     :p, :select, :puts, :send, :class
# use Filter
# Before-Filters accept original source pass the output to Slight compiler.
# After-Filters accept output from Slight compiler pass the output to end user.
use     FilterA, :before
use     FilterB, :after

[Tilt Intergration]

Working with Tilt
require 'slight/tilt'

script = %q{
  div "btn btn-succes #{btn_size}" do 

@btn_txt = 'Pls,Click-Me.'
body = { script }

template ='tilt_example.rb', 5, {}, &body)
puts template.render(self, :btn_size => "btn-lg")

# <div class="btn btn-succes btn-lg">
#     Pls,Click-Me.
# </div>

Any questions or suggestions are welcome. You can reach me at: