CircleCI RSpec Status Persistance File Aggregator

Background and Problem

RSpec has a feature that I find very useful which is the --only-failures option. This will re-run only that examples that failed the previous run.

CircleCI has support for uploading artifcats with your builds, which allows us to store the persistance file that powers the RSpec only failures option. However! CircleCI also supports and encourages parallelizing your build, which means even if you upload your rspec persistance file, you actually have a number of them each containing a subset of your test suite. This is where this tool comes in!


This tool does two things:

  1. It downloads all of the .rspec_failed_examples files that were uploaded to CircleCI for the most recent build of the current branch
  2. It combines the multiple files into a single sorted .rspec_failed_examples file, and moves it to the current directory

Getting Started

1. Configure RSpec to Create and Use an example persistance file

A current limitation is that the RSpec Persistance file must be named .rspec_example_statuses.

We need to set the example_status_persistence_file_path config in RSpec. Here are the relevant RSpec docs.

The first step is to create(/or add to) your spec/spec_helper.rb file. We want to include the following configuration, which tells RSpec where to store the status persistance file.

RSpec.configure do |c|
  c.example_status_persistence_file_path = ".rspec_example_statuses"

if you just created the spec_helper.rb file then you will need to create a .rspec file containing the following to load your new helper file

--require spec_helper

2. Collect the example persistance files in CircleCI

To do this we need to create a step which saves the .rspec_example_statuses as artifacts of the build. The following is an example of such a step in CircleCI. This must happen after rspec has run or else the persistance file will not exist.

- store_artifacts:
    path: ~/PROJECT_NAME/.rspec_example_statuses

3. Run this tool in the root of your project


This will look up the latest completed build in CircleCI for this branch, and download all the relevant .rspec_example_statuses files. It then combines and sorts them and saves the result to the .rspec_example_statuses file locally.

4. Run RSpec with --only-failures

bundle exec rspec --only-failures

This will run only the examples that failed in CircleCI!