
Upload files and snippets to Slack chat from the command-line.

Getting started

Log in to your account and get your API token from

gem install'slackcat
export SLACKCAT_TOKEN=<your api token>
echo 'hello world' | slackcat -c <channel>


slackcat is used similarly to unix cat: read data from STDIN or list filenames as arguments. Multiple files will be concatenated.

Environment variables:

  • SLACKCAT_TOKEN: your token from
  • SLACKCAT_CHANNELS: default comma-separated list of channel names to share files

Command-line options:

            --token, -k:   Slack API token
         --channels, -c:   Channels to share into
         --filetype, -t:   File type identifier
            --title, -T:   Title of file
         --filename, -n:   Filename of file
  --initial-comment, -i:   Initial comment to add
             --help, -h:   Show this message

File uploads to slack are private by default. If you list channels, content will be shared to them.