
A simple Slack logger using ActiveSupport broadcast and a slim HTTPS call.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'slack_webhook_logger'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install slack_webhook_logger

Then, run the install generator:

$ rails generate slack_webhook_logger:install

Provide the webhook URL in the config, and finally, extend the logger:

config.after_initialize do
  Rails.logger.extend ActiveSupport::Logger.broadcast(SlackWebhookLogger.logger)


You should have a file in config/initializers/slack_webhook_logger.rb that looks something like this:

SlackWebhookLogger.setup do |config|
  # The URL where messages will be sent. This is required.
  config.webhook_url = ''

  # The minimum error level to see in Slack. This is optional; the default is :WARN.
  # All log levels are supported, but don't rely on anything less then :WARN
  # since Slack only allows one message per minute.
  # config.level = :WARN

  # You can provide a custom log formatter if you want to. This is optional.
  # The formatter must construct a JSON blob that adheres to Slack's expected
  # POST payload for `chat.postMessage`:
  # config.formatter =

  # You can provide an array of regular expressions to ignore certain messages
  # from being sent to Slack. This is optional.
  # config.ignore_patterns = []

You can change the log level or the format of the logging text if you wish. See the generated slack_webhook_logger.rb file for more information on that.