Skyline installation instructions

Choose your flavour

Install as a packaged gem

The skylinecms gem is perfect if you want to have stable environment and don't care too much about cutting-edge new features. We release new versions fairly often.

Install as a local gem

Use the "local" gem if you want to be on the latest development version with all the 'cool' new features. Especially if you use git, because we're hosting the source on github.

Create your rails app

Create an empty rails app.

rails new my_app
cd my_app

Installation as a packaged gem

Edit the Gemfile and add

gem "skylinecms"

Continue with "Run bundler".

Installation as a local gem

Download the Skyline source from You can use it as a Git submodule or yust download the zip version and unpack it to vendor/skylinecms

If you're using bundler, add the following to your Gemfile

gem "skylinecms", :path => "vendor/skylinecms"

Run bundler

Just run bundle install to fetch and install all dependencies:

bundle install

Bootstrap skyline

Run the skyline init script to initialize all required configurations. You might want to skip this step if you want to update Skyline frequently (you can do most of these steps by hand: see below)

bundle exec skylinecms init

Setup your database

Modify config/database.yml to match your database configuration if needed. Run:

rake db:create
rake skyline:db:migrate
rake skyline:db:seed

Create your first user and grant him/her access

Open a Rails console by running rails console

user = => '[email protected]', :password => 'secret') => Skyline::Role.find_by_name("super"))

Make sure the user exists in the database.

Boot your server!

You should be good to go. Start your server:

rails server

and browse to http://localhost:9000/skyline to reach Skyline.

Where to go from here?

Configurating Skyline manually

Create configuration file

Create a Rails initializer in config/initializers (we call it skyline_configuration.rb) and add the following:

Skyline::Configuration.configure do |config|  
  config.assets_path = File.join(Rails.root,"tmp/upload")
  config.media_file_cache_path = File.join(Rails.root,"tmp/cache/media_files/cache")

Create template folder

Create the template folder in your app directory.

mkdir app/templates

Add default route for pages

Open config/routes.rb and add the default Skyline route below all other routes:

match '(*url)', :to => "skyline/site/pages#show", :constraints => Skyline::RouteConstraint