
Skiplock is a background job queuing system that improves the performance and reliability of the job executions while providing the same ACID guarantees as the rest of your data. It is designed for Active Jobs with Ruby on Rails using PostgreSQL database adapter, but it can be modified to work with other frameworks easily.

It only uses the LISTEN/NOTIFY/SKIP LOCKED features provided natively on PostgreSQL 9.5+ to efficiently and reliably dispatch jobs to worker processes and threads ensuring that each job can be completed successfully only once. No other polling or timer is needed.

The library is quite small compared to other PostgreSQL job queues (eg. delay_job, queue_classic, que, good_job) with less than 400 lines of codes; and it still provides similar set of features and more...


  • MRI Ruby 2.5+
  • PostgreSQL 9.5+
  • Rails 5.2+


  1. Add skiplock to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'skiplock'
  2. Install the gem:

    $ bundle install
  3. Run the Skiplock install generator. This will generate a configuration file and database migration to store the job records:

    $ rails g skiplock:install
  4. Run the migration:

    $ rails db:migrate


  1. Configure the ActiveJob adapter:

    # config/application.rb
    config.active_job.queue_adapter = :skiplock
  2. Skiplock configuration

    # config/skiplock.yml
    logging: timestamp
    min_threads: 1
    max_threads: 5
    max_retries: 20
    purge_completion: true
    workers: 0

    Available configuration options are:

    • logging (enumeration): sets the logging capability to true or false; setting to timestamp will enable logging with timestamps. The log files are: log/skiplock.log and log/skiplock.error.log
    • min_threads (integer): sets minimum number of threads staying idle
    • max_threads (integer): sets the maximum number of threads allowed to run jobs
    • max_retries (integer): sets the maximum attempt a job will be retrying before it is marked expired (see Retry System for more details)
    • purge_completion (boolean): when set to true will delete jobs after they were completed successfully; if set to false then the completed jobs should be purged periodically to maximize performance (eg. clean up old jobs after 3 months)
    • workers (integer) sets the maximum number of processes when running in standalone mode using the skiplock executable; setting this to 0 will enable async mode

    Async mode

    When workers is set to 0 then the jobs will be performed in the web server process using separate threads. If using multi-worker cluster web server like Puma, then it should be configured as below:

    # config/puma.rb
    before_fork do
      # ...
    on_worker_boot do
      # ...
    on_worker_shutdown do
      # ...


  • Inside the Rails application, queue your job: ruby MyJob.perform_later
  • Skiplock supports all ActiveJob features: ruby MyJob.set(wait: 5.minutes, priority: 10).perform_later(1,2,3)
  • Outside of Rails application, queue the jobs by inserting the job records directly to the database table eg: sql INSERT INTO VALUES ('MyJob');
  • Or with scheduling, priority and arguments: sql INSERT INTO,priority,scheduled_at,data) VALUES ('MyJob',10,NOW()+INTERVAL '5 min','{"arguments":[1,2,3]}'); ## Cron system Skiplock provides the capability to setup cron jobs for running tasks periodically. It fully supports the cron syntax to specify the frequency of the jobs. To setup a cron job, simply assign a valid cron schedule to the constant CRON for the Job Class.
  • setup MyJob to run as cron job every hour at 30 minutes past

    class MyJob < ActiveJob::Base
      CRON = "30 * * * *"
      # ...
  • setup CleanupJob to run at midnight every Wednesdays

    class CleanupJob < ApplicationJob
      CRON = "0 0 * * 3"
      # ...
  • to remove the cron schedule from the job, simply comment out the constant definition or delete the line then re-deploy the application. At startup, the cron jobs that were undefined will be removed automatically

Retry system

Skiplock fully supports ActiveJob built-in retry system. It also has its own retry system for fallback. To use ActiveJob retry system, define the rescue blocks per ActiveJob's documentation.

  • configures MyJob to retry at maximum 20 attempts on StandardError with fixed delay of 5 seconds

    class MyJob < ActiveJob::Base
      retry_on StandardError, wait: 5, attempts: 20
    # ...
  • configures MyJob to retry at maximum 10 attempts on StandardError with exponential delay

    class MyJob < ActiveJob::Base
      retry_on StandardError, wait: :exponentially_longer, attempts: 10
    # ...

    Once the retry attempt limit configured in ActiveJob has been reached, the control will be passed back to skiplock to be marked as an expired job.

If the rescue blocks are not defined, then the built-in retry system of skiplock will kick in automatically. The retrying schedule is using an exponential formula (5 + 2**attempt). The skiplock configuration max_retries determines the the limit of attempts before the failing job is marked as expired. The maximum retry limit can be set as high as 20; this allows up to 12 days of retrying before the job is marked as expired.

Notification system



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.