
This is Skiff


He's very worried about probes...

Lem: A cork?
Skiff: It's your best defense against the aliens' favorite form of research. The probe. You put it...

This gem provides a simple interface to a DS18b20 temperature probe, installed on a Raspberry Pi via the One Wire interface.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'skiff'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install skiff


# Under Raspbian, the temperature readings are typically
# written to /sys/bus/w1/devices, so that is the default location.
# If you need to change it, pass your location in when you create
# the ::Skiff::Manager like this:
#   manager = your_probe_location

manager =

# to get a list of all the attached probes:

probes = manager.probes

# probes => ["28-0115649922ff", "28-021564c24bff"]

probe = manager.create_probe(probes.first)

# returns an instance of ::Skiff::Probe

# to get the raw temperature of a probe:

temperature = probe.temperature

# or in fahrenheit

fahrenheit = probe.fahrenheit

# and to get all the raw data

raw_data = probe.raw


Don't like something? Need more functionality?

Fork it, write it, create a Pull Request.

Rinse and repeat.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at