
Skeletron is library to aid the building of Ruby applications on "use-case-driven" architecture.

What is "use-case-driven" (UCD) architecture?

"Use-case-driven" architecture

Robert Martin describes the architecture in his "Architecture: The Lost Years" lecture:

"Architecture: The Lost Years"

This architecture aims to address some common problems in modern Ruby applications:

  • Web-layer coupling with application-layer logic.
  • Application-layer coupling with database implementation.
  • Complicated and expensive unit testing that results from this coupling.

And to this end, emphasizes a few key points:

  • HTTP/Web/Rails is a delivery mechanism
  • Database is a detail; not any integral part of the intent of the applicaiton itself.
  • A good architecture allows major decisions to be deferred: e.g. choosing a database.
  • A good architecture maximizes the number of decisions NOT made.
    • So you can decide those later and plug them in to fit business needs or respond to changes in business logic.

Key components

  • Entities

    Generic business objects & rules, agnostic to presentation or storage mechanisms (e.g. Order, Customer).

  • Interactors

    Application specific business rules; Manipulates the relevant data from the Request Model and interacts with the Entities.

  • Boundaries & Gateways

    Protocols or Interfaces for defining .

  • Models

    Dumb data structures representing input or output, without methods. e.g. Request Model, Response Model, View Model.

  • Controllers

    Convert the stuff submitted by the delivery mechanism into a delivery agnostic Request Model.

  • Presenters

    Turns the delivery agnostic Response Model into a prepared “viewified” data structure ready for easy manipulation by the view.

Mission statement

Skeletron aims to:

  • Provide modules to aid implemention UCD architecture: They are optional and composable, so you can implement only what you want.
  • Favor simplicity over convention: In order to promote extensibility and modularity to give the author maximum freedom.

It is NOT:

  • An application framework in itself e.g. Rails; it's an application library.
  • "Opinionated": it's here to aid your architecture choices, not constrain.



Available features

