SalesKing SDK

A bunch of classes to get a quick start creating SalesKing App’s, using oAuth and the API.


gem install sk_sdk

Dependencies (gem’s):

  • activesupport

  • activeresource

  • curb


All classes must be explicitly required so each can be used on their own.

require 'sk_sdk/signed_request'
require 'sk_sdk/oauth'
require 'sk_sdk/ar_cli'


Handling oAuth related URL’s and getting an access token


Helping in de/encoding of signed_request parameter available in canvas pages and PubSub/Webhook callbacks.

API client

Create classes out if thin air to CRUD SalesKing object’s using activeresource see README

This client uses HTTPBasic Auth with email/password and does NOT use oAuth. This authentication method might be kicked in the future, as oAuth2 is considered safer. If you have found a convenient way to enable ActiveResource with oAuth2 we are glad to hear from you.


Read specs:

Copyright © 2011 Georg Leciejewski, released under the MIT license