SalesKing Api Schema

SalesKing API description using JSON Schema( A schema describes the resource in terms of available fields, CRUD actions and relationships with other resources.

For ruby users this project provides a gem with some basic utility functions besides the schema. Other languages can take advantage of the raw json files.

Tutorial & Docs


The API-version is kept in the folder-name and as long as there are no major changes(breaking backwards compatibility), the version number will remain.

The gem has its own version number. It is used by SalesKing to deliver it’s resources BUT changes might not be directly reflected. A new gem version indicates a change, but we first try it on our staging environment before any live instances are updated and the schema becomes public available.

You can get the current schema at your SalesKing api url:

The version to use can be set with the “v” url parameter:'1.0'


Those relative urls in the link sections, need some love, so please don’t rely on them to much right now.

Especially within the next couple of weeks (until beginning of march) you will see bugfixes since more resources where made available.


gem install sk_api_schema

Copyright © 2010-2011 Georg Leciejewski, released under the MIT license