
Generate static site from your rack application & test files.

  • Provides the same way to create both dynamic & static website
  • Generates static website from your existing dynamic website
  • Sitespec can be executable specification, good documentation, and well-tested implementation


1. Add sitespec into your Gemfile

# Gemfile
gem "sitespec"

2. Require sitespec/rspec in your specs

# spec/spec_helper.rb
require "sitespec/rspec"

3. Write request-specs with :sitespec metadata

Note: rack/test is automatically enabled in the example groups that have :sitespec.

# spec/site_spec.rb
describe "Sitespec" do
  let(:app) do

  ].each do |path|
    describe "GET #{path}", :sitespec do
      it "returns 200" do
        expect(get(path).status).to eq 200

4. Run rspec to build static files

Note: only successful examples generate static files.

$ bundle exec rspec

Example application
  GET /2000-01-01-hello.html
    returns 200
  GET /index.html
    returns 200
  GET /stylesheets/all.css
    returns 200

Finished in 0.08302 seconds (files took 0.79161 seconds to load)
3 examples, 0 failures


  • Sitespec.configuration.auto_complete_html_path - Flag to autocomplete .html (default: true)
  • Sitespec.configuration.build_path - Where to locate files (default: "build")
  • Sitespec.configuration.enabled - Flag to enable sitespec (default: true)

Advanced topics

Sitespec is excellent with GitHub Pages. r7kamura/ is a working example that uses Sitespec to build static files from Rack application. It uses TravisCI to build and push files to GitHub repo's master branch. See .travis.yml for more information about how to to it.