
Extends the page object model site_prism ruby gem. It adds common methods to make test execution robust. The gem also can log events such as click errors or page load times into a flat file.

Dynamic single page applications are getting difficult to test usually caused by timing issues resulting in raised exceptions. Automation frameworks or util libraries are typically written to catch these exceptions and handled accordingly. Site Prism is a great POM framework so it's quite useful extend it and put your utils.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'site_prism_plus'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install site_prism_plus


class DemoSite < SitePrismPlus::Page
  set_url ''

  element :header_logo, :xpath, '//img[@src="some_source"]'
  element :sub_link, '#link_id'
  element :click_result_elem, '#some_elem_loc'
  element :name_input_field, '#user_name'
  element :search_input, '#q_search'

Creating a new Page class

An optional parameter is just a string to set the page name (used for logging). If this parameter is skipped, the page name is set to the name of the class. This name is only used for logging.

my_test_site ='homepage_acme')
# 'homepage_acme'

# or

my_test_site =
# 'AcmeInternational'

Loading the page and verify element

Loads the page and verifies if the element expected is present. Method load_and_verify takes an element as a parameter. The page is loaded and the element is checked until visible.

demo_site ='page_description')

Using parametized URL, pass the hash as a second parameter.

demo_site.load_and_verify('username', url_part: 'login')

Finding Element or Multiple Elements

This catches exceptions if element does not exist. Two ways to find element, using the site_prism element name or directly passing locator type and the locator.

# or
demo_site.find_element(:xpath, '//input[@class="bold-box"]')

For cases where multiple elements matches the locator (very common for seaching in tables), you need to use find_elements method. It returns an array of Capybara::Node::Element objects. If an index value is passed, it returns a single element object.

NOTE: Parameters for find_elements method require a locator type and the locator. It cannot take the site_prism element name ().

demo_site.find_elements(:xpath, '//input[@class="user_name"]')

Finding an element from an array of locators.

Some site navigation changes depending on the user input or pages can be different due to A-B testing. This requires searching for POSSIBLE elements rather than one specific element. Method find_possible_element will find the the first occurrence of an element given an array of locators.


Clicking an element

Clicking an element sometimes results in exceptions such as StateElement. Method click_element catches exceptions and does a retry. If a second element is passed as a parameter, it verifies this second element to determine if the click action was successful.

demo_site.click_element('sub_link', 'click_result_elem')

# or 


Send keys and verify

For input fields with auto-complete or has match recommendation, sending keys to the field sometimes results with several issues. Method send_text sends the text to an input field and verifies field has the correct text. If not field is cleared and text is resent.

demo_site.send_text('name_input_field', 'some_user_name')

Send chars

Checking auto-completion fields such as search or address fields looks at each character sent. Method send_chars sends text to an input field one character at a time with a slight delay between characters. Useful when checking for matching results.

demo_site.send_chars('search_input', 'cheap flights')

Checking Visibility

Returns assertion if an element is found and is visible(true or false). Catches possible exceptions such as those raised by site_prism (ex. SitePrism::TimeOutWaitingForElementVisibility:).

  • is_element_visible('name_of_element')
  • wait_till_element_visible('name_of_element')
  • wait_till_element_not_visible('name_of_element') ruby demo_site.wait_till_element_visible('header_logo')

Hover and click

Used for hover activated drop downs. An optional third parameter (expected_element) can be passed. This element will be verified to determine if the click was successful.

demo_site.hover_and_click('hover_element', 'drop_option')

# or

demo_site.hover_and_click('hover_element', 'drop_option', 'resulting_element')


All methods in Page are available for Section. See RSpec tests in spec folder for examples.

Capturing Some Test Metrics

Lots of open source and commercial applications out there to capture metrics for your web application, this gem just captures test related metrics such as click retries, page loads, or transitions times (like modals). These metrics are saved in a flat file and can be graphed (separate application).

By default, metrics are saved in current working directory ./results/metrics.txt

Enable capture metrics

Set environment variable SITEPRISM_METRICS_ENABLED

Some optional environment variables

  • SITEPRISM_PLUS_DEBUG - prints out info of commands being executed
  • SITEPRISM_PLUS_RESULT_DIR - directory where metrics file is saved
  • SITEPRISM_PLUS_RESULT_FILE - name of file to save metrics


This is the initial release, so likely a few bugs. RSpec tests in specs directory. Any contribution/collaboration/help/criticism is highly welcomed.

  • More methods for other use cases
  • Currently working on graph app for the metrics
  • More RSpec tests - isn't that always the case
  • Obviously, improve this documentation ## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/site_prism_plus.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
