APM Insight Ruby Agent Site24x7 APM Insight Ruby agent gives you end-to-end web-transaction awareness enabling you to isolate performance issues and resolve them quickly. Site24x7 APM Insight requires a monitoring agent (ruby gem) to be deployed in your application server to monitor Ruby application performance. Download the latest Ruby Agent(site24x7_apminsight.gem) and deploy it in your application server. The agent collects application performance metrics and sends it to the central Site24x7 server at fixed intervals i.e. every 60 seconds. You can view them at site24x7.com in your accounts page.

Installing APM Insight Agent

Ruby Agent installation can be done in two ways:

	* Install from RubyGems by using the following command in the system where Ruby is installed :

gem install site24x7_apminsight


* Download the site24x7_apminsight.gem file from your accounts page in site24x7.com (after sign in) or the RubyGems website and run the command gem install site24x7_apminsight.gem


After installation of the gem:

	For each of your applications, add the following line to the application gemfile:

    	gem 'site24x7_apminsight'


	For each of your applications, add the following line to the application initializer block:

    	require 'site24x7_apminsight'

A copy of the configuration file apminsight.conf will be available in the <Gem Installed folder> /site24x7_apminsight/conf/. Configure the class name in the configuration file(include.packages), so that all the methods in that class can be instrumented and details will be reported in tracedata.

The following configuration options are mandatory and should be provided for the agent to be initialized:

application.name - The application's name to be displayed in Site24x7 server.

license.key - The license api key from your account page after sign in (https://site24x7.com)

behind.proxy - The proxy network under which the agent is installed

agent.server.port - The HTTP listening port of the Application Server.

More configuration options of APM Insight Ruby Agent can be found here. help.site24x7.com/APM-Insight-Agent-Configuration.html

Supported Environments :

Ruby - 1.8.7 and higher

Rails - 3.0 and higher


* Create an apminsight account in Site24x7 server (www.site24x7.com)

* Download link for site24x7_apminsight gem

From your account page after valid sign in or rubygems.org/gems/site24x7_apminsight

* Help Documentation for apminsight

help.site24x7.com/Installing-Ruby-Agent.html help.site24x7.com/Troubleshooting-Tips-Ruby-Agent.html