Singleton Client for Ruby


  • Ruby version: 3.0.0 or above
  • Bundler version: 2.2.3 or above

Run Unit Test

rake spec


Basic Usage:

require 'singleton-client'

Sgtn.load_config(file, env)
result = Sgtn.translate(key, component, locale)

API Usage

Get a string's translation

result = Sgtn.translate(key, component, locale)

Get a string's translation with default value when no translation

result = Sgtn.translate(key, component, locale) { 'default value' }

Get a string's translation and format it with placeholders

result = Sgtn.translate(key, component, locale, **args)

Get pluralized translation

result = Sgtn.translate(key, component, locale, **args)

Get translations of a bundle

result = Sgtn.get_translations(component, locale)

Set locale for a request

Sgtn.locale = 'en'

Get locale of the request

result = Sgtn.locale

Get a string's translation with locale set

Sgtn.locale = 'en'
result = Sgtn.translate(key, component)

Get translations of a bundle with locale set

Sgtn.locale = 'en'
result = Sgtn.get_translations(component)