Welcome to Sinew

Sinew collects structured data from web sites (screen scraping). It provides a Ruby DSL built for crawling, a robust caching system, and integration with Nokogiri. Though small, this project is the culmination of years of effort based on crawling systems built at several different companies.

Sinew requires Ruby 1.9, HTML Tidy and Curl.

Sinew is distributed as a ruby gem:

gem install sinew


Here's an example for collecting Amazon's bestseller list:

# get the url
get "http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/books/ref=sv_b_3"

# use nokogiri to find books
noko.css(".zg_itemRow").each do |item|
  # pull out the stuff we care about using nokogiri
  row = { }
  row[:url] = item.css(".zg_title a").first[:href]
  row[:title] = item.css(".zg_title")
  row[:img] = item.css(".zg_itemImage_normal img").first[:src]

  # append a row to the csv

If you paste this into a file called bestsellers.sinew and run sinew bestsellers.sinew, it will create a bestsellers.csv file containing the url, title and img for each bestseller.

Full Documentation

Full docs are in the wiki:
