A Sinatra template for Grape-Doorkeep applications

A template application for building mini web sites/services authenticated with OAuth2.


Using it:

  1. Fork or clone this repository
  2. Update the values in .env with your values
  3. Go to the directory this is contained in the terminal
  4. Use rerun rackup to start the server
  5. The above command will print out something like WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=62447 port=9292. Go to localhost:that_port_number - e.g. http://localhost:9292.
  6. Go there to the above url to see the app! :sparkles:

Env Values

The .env file references the app you are using. You will need to create an app on the provider you're using.

The callback url for this sinatra template is localhost:9292/auth/oauthed/callback - change localhost:9292 to reflect your local conditions - e.g., if you're running on a different port, or if you deploy this to something with a domain name. You will have to add this to the application on the provider.

After you've created an application on the provider, add the client id and the client secret of it to the .env file.

For the APPLICATION_SCOPES_REQUESTED, separate scopes with whitespace For USER_ATTRIBUTES, separate values with whitespace

Directories / files

The directory structure of this app is set up to loosely resemble rails

  • assets
    • javascript, coffeescript, css, scss - compiled, minified, concatenated.
  • views
    • haml, erb or html files. layout.haml is the layout file that wraps everything else up.
  • public
    • files in here are served directly from the base url
  • config/routes.rb
    • the routes for the app

Rails Assets

This template includes rails-assets, which makes it easy to use bower packages.

View the list of bower packages

Add bower packages to the Gemfile by putting them in the Bower packages block in this format:

gem 'rails-assets-BOWER_PACKAGE_NAME'`.

Since Javascript packages change quickly, it's a particularly good idea to lock the packages with a loose version after you bundle install. e.g. for the jQuery version currently installed,

`gem 'rails-assets-jquery', '~> 2.1.4'`

(which means >= 2.1.4 and < 2.2.0).

So you can safely update your packages with bundle update


Many thanks to sinatra_auth_github :shipit: from which this draws inspiration.