Sinatra Wechat extension

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This extension is used to support Tencent Wechat rapid development.


$ gem install sinatra-wechat


Below code implement a simple wechat robot, reply text 你好 when message sent by end user contains number %r{\d+}.

use :validate_msg => false to disable wechat message validation, otherwise need to append signature to the URL. The default value of :validate_msg is true

# app.rb
require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/wechat'

wechat('/', :wechat_token => 'test-token', :validate_msg => false) {
  text(:content => %r{\d+}) {
    content_type 'application/xml'
    erb :hello, :locals => request[:wechat_values]


start web server:

$ ruby app.rb

validate it via cURL:

$ curl -X POST --data '<xml>
<Content>1345 match number</Content>
</xml>' http://localhost:4567

The response is like:
