
Parameter processing for Sinatra framework

Allow to easily expressing parameter requirements, such as:

  • required/optional
  • type checking/coercion (best done using dry-types)
  • object retrieval (using Sequel, LOM, or class instantiating)
  • further processing (such as conversion) using block


Note that in URL query ?param as no value but ?param= as the empty string value (ie: "").

# Retrieve a required VM model from Sequel
vm       = want! :vm,       Types::VM::Name, VM

# Retrieve a require public key (in rfc4716 or openssh format)
# and ensure the final result is in openssh format:
pubkey   = want! :pubkey,   Types::SSHPublicKey do |k|

# Get an optional parameter called locked which is a boolean,
# if the parameter is present but as no value use true
locked   = want? :locked,   Types::Params::Bool.default(true)

# Parameter is optional but in this case we require a default value
# which will be processed
type     = want  :type,     Types::VM::Stop, default: 'savestate'

Parameter processing

Parameter value retrieval will be processed as follow, please read carefully:

  1. Retrieve parameter value If param is a symbol, it's key will be looked up in the sinatra parameter list and assign special value:

    • nil : key not found
    • NO_VALUE : key found but no value (ie: nil) associated
  2. Check for missing parameter (ie: nil) According to named-parameter missing:

    • :raise : raise exception WantedMissing
    • :ignore : use the default value and continue processing
    • :return : return the default value (all processing stops here)
  3. Check for missing value (ie: NO_VALUE)

    • If value is missing use instead the value from the named parameter no_value (default to NO_VALUE)
    • If the type checking/coercion is one of dry-type, the NO_VALUE is changed for the Dry::Types::Undefined so that DRY can correctly processed undefined value.
  4. Perform the type checking / coercion This is done by using the first available method: [], call.

The easiest (but not required) is to use the dry-types library

  1. Unless value is already nil, use a getter to retrieve the real value object. Object retrieval will be considered as not found, if the getter returns nil This is done by using the first available method: [], get, fetch, call, new.

Usually getter will be Sequel Model, LDAP Object Model, Class, ...

If not found (ie: nil), according to named-parameter not_found:

  • :raise : raise exception WantedNotFound
  • :ignore : keep the value as nil and continue processing
  • :not_found : execute the sinatra #not_found action
  • :pass : execute the sinatra #pass action
  1. Apply block processing

#want, #want!, and #want? are the same methods with different default for the missing and not_found named parameter

method missing not_found
want :ignore :ignore
want! :raise :raise
want? :return :ignore