# sinatra-unit

* http://github.com/snarfmason/sinatra-unit

Testing harness for Sinatra to make proper unit tests/specs for actions.


The idea is to instantiate your Sintra class and then execute the web request blocks on the instance
that you have created. It uses the `test_request` method (and shortcuts like `test_get`, `test_put`, etc)
to look up the block using the same route matching logic that Sinatra would use when receiving a request
from Rack.


Basic usage:

@app = WebApp.new
response_body = @app.test_request(:get, '/')

of course you can do, params:

response_body = @app.test_request(:get, '/hi', :qsname => 'jon')

you can set the environment or session (if enabled) with a hash, before a request

@app.env = { :test => 'hello' }
@app.session = { :test => 'hello' }
response_body = @app.test_get '/showsession'

Currently the text of the response is returned from the `test_request` method. If you need access to headers or HTTP status you use the `response` object.


Writing Tests

basic good route:

response_body = @app.test_request(:get, '/')
assert_equal "hello world", response_body
assert_equal 200, @app.response.status
assert_equal 'text/html', @app.response.header['Content-Type']

basic bad route:

assert_raise Sinatra::Unit::UnknownRouteError do
@app.test_get '/wrongroute'

basic redirect:

@app.test_get '/redirect'
assert @app.redirect?
assert_equal 302, @app.response.status

you can retrieve instance variables set in request blocks

# app
get '/showobject' do
@object = OpenStruct.new :foo => 1, :bar => 2, :baz => 3
"foo=#@[email protected]&bar=#@[email protected]&baz=#@[email protected]"

# test
response_body = @app.test_get '/showobject'
assert_equal 'foo=1&bar=2&baz=3', response_body
assert_equal 1, @app.variables("object").foo

you can assert against session values

# app
post '/setsession' do
session[:test] = params[:test]

# test
assert_nil @app.session[:test]
@app.test_post '/setsession', :test => 'goodbye'
assert_equal 'goodbye', @app.session[:test]