Twitter Bootstrap Sinatra (helpers)


A set of helpers that brings beauty of Twitter Bootstrap CSS to your Sinatra applications. This gem bundle all CSS and Javascript files needed for this.


I want to make my small Sinatra apps looks nice with minimal effort. Currently I need to download all CSS and Javascript, add them to public folder and include them in HAML templates. That is just too much work!


Is simple. Add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'sinatra-twitter-bootstrap'

Then in your Sinatra application/class you can do:

class TestApp < Sinatra::Base
  register Sinatra::Twitter::Bootstrap::Assets

(TODO: make this a bit shorter)

Now, surprise surprise! Your application will automatically generate routes for bootstrap CSS and JS files. It will also setup HTTP caching and ETags, so it will not be too much overheat for your app.

Since I'm old and lazy, I create small helpers you can use in your HAML views:

    = bootstrap_assets
    - container :fluid do
      - row do
        - span3 do
          = yield
        - span5 :offset => 4 do
          %p hello world

The full example could be found in 'examples' directory.


This code is licensed under Apache Software License (ASLv2)

Twitter Bootstrap is licenced under Apache Software License (ASL)

JQuery is licenced under MIT license.