
Quick-start guide

First, install the sinatra-minify gem.

Add these to your app's main file:

require 'sinatra/minify'
class Main < Sinatra::Base
  register Sinatra::Minify

Add this to your Rakefile:

load 'vendor/sinatra-minify/lib/tasks.rake'

Now add your JS/CSS packages in config/assets.yml (relative to your app's root path). The files are are assumed to be in public/js and public/css by default.

    - jquery-1.4.2.js
    - underscore-0.6.0.js
    - app/*.js                 # Wildcards are allowed! ;)
    - common.css
    - app.*.css
    - home.*.css

Now add the helpers to your templates:

   <%= css_assets 'base' %>
   <%= css_assets 'homepage' %>
    <%= js_assets 'base' %>
<!-- The 'base' and 'homepage' above are the names of the
     packages as defined in your config/assets.yml. -->

This will include the scripts and stylesheets as individual <script> and <link> tags. To include the minified files instead, switch to the production environment and build the minified files by typing rake minify:build.

Usage tips

Building minified files

Minified files are built by typing:

rake minify:build

This creates files called <package_name>.min.js (and .css) in your public/js and public/css folders.

NOTE: Building of minified files is NOT done automatically! You must call this explicitly. Add it to your Capistrano deploy scripts or something.

Adding sinatra-minify as a dependency (Monk)

If your using Monk (or otherwise using the dependency gem), simply add the sinatra-minify GitHub repo to your dependencies file.

echo sinatra-minify git:// >> dependencies
dep vendor sinatra-minify

Changing JS/CSS paths

By default, sinatra-minify looks at public/js and public/css for your JS and CSS files, respectively. You can change them with:

class Main < Sinatra::Base
    register Sinatra::Minify

    set :js_path, 'public/javascripts'
    set :js_url,  '/javascripts'

    set :css_path, 'public/stylesheets'
    set :css_url,  '/stylesheets'

Forcing minification

Minifying happens in the production environment only by default. You can force this behavior by enabling the force_minify option in your app:

class Main < Sinatra::Base
    register Sinatra::Minify

    # Always minify
    enable :force_minify

You can also define your own behavior for checking whether to minify or not.

class Main < Sinatra::Base
    register Sinatra::Minify
    def self.minify?
      prodiction? or staging?

Ignore minified files in source control

It'd be good practice to add *.min.{css,js} to your .gitignore file (or similar, for those not using Git).