
Quickly add Google Apps authentication to any Sintra app.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sinatra-g_auth', require: 'sinatra/g_auth'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sinatra-g_auth


Configure the settings and register the extension to get up and running.

class App < Sinatra::Base 
  set :gauth_domain, '' # set this to your google apps domain
  set :gauth_tmp_dir, './tmp'      # path to a directory that's writable by your web process
  set :gauth_redirect, '/'         # where to redirect users after they've authenticated
  register Sinatra::GAuth          # add the sinatra extension to your stack

  get '/protected' do
    protect_with_gauth!            # add this to any route you want protected
    # ...

Once the user has authenticated with google, some basic information is added to the session:

  session[:_gauth][:id]     # => google ID
  session[:_gauth][:name]   # => user's full name
  session[:_gauth][:email]  # => google apps email address

If attempting to add protect_with_gauth! to a before filter, be sure to skip paths that begin with /auth:

  before(%r{^(?!(\/auth))}) do

This extension will enable sessions, but does not configure a session store. Do that with the middleware of your choice (e.g. Rack::Session::Cookie, Rack::Session::Dalli, etc).

Authentication is automatic for any routes that call protect_with_gauth!. You can add a more user friendly login page, like this:

  get '/login' do
    '<a href="/auth/g">Login with Google Apps</a>'

This extension does not provide a logout mechanism, but one can be added easily if you like:

  get '/logout' do
    # redirect or whatever...

Project Status

  • Build: Build Status
  • Code Quality: Code Climate
  • Dependencies: Dependency Status


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request