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SimplySuggest implementation for Ruby. You need an account at to use this gem.

Direct API-access to all the methods which are available and several helpers to get things a bit less complex.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'simply_suggest'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install simply_suggest


For rails put initialization into config/initializers/simply_suggest.rb

SimplySuggest.configure do |c|
  c.secret_key = "YOUR SECRET KEY"
  c.public_key = "YOUR PUBLIC KEY"


After installing the GEM you can use within your controllers or helpers the following methods

This will return an array of object ids which are related to this object recommendations_for @product # => [1,2,3,4,5]

This will autoload all objects from your database

recommendations_for @product, load: true
# => [Product, Product, Product]

This will return an hash of data which are recommended for the user

# => [{ type: "article", id: 1 }, { type: "product", id: 1 }]

This will autoload the data from your database

user_recommendations, load: true
# => [Product, Article, Product]

This will load the current trending objects

get_trending_objects "article", load: true
# => [Article, Article, Article]

You can use the search api accessing the following method in your controller

search_objects "lorem ipsum", "article", load: true
# => { results: [Article, Article, Article], facets: nil, conditions: nil }

You can specify facet fields

search_objects "lorem ipsum", "article", load: true, facets: [:category_id]
# => { results: [Article, Article, Article], facets: { category_id: { key: 4, doc_count: 2 } }, conditions: nil }

you can set autoload within the config to let load default to true

SimplySuggest.configure do |c|
  c.autoload = false

All helpers will raise a SimplySuggest::Error if something went wrong so you easily catch them.


to use the javascript tracking methods you need to add this line to your or footer

<%= simply_suggest_script %>

then somewhere on your side you can call this function to get the javascript calls

<%= get_tracking_code user_id: unique_user_id, object_id: unique_object_id, object_type: object_type, event: "view" %>

available event types are


You should use the primary key of your user or generate and send a unique user id which is saved to the session or cookie so you send always the same one


See the file for details.

Contributing to SimplySuggest

  1. Check out the Master
  2. Fork the project.
  3. Start a feature/bugfix branch.
  4. Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.