simple_states Build Status

A super-slim (~200 loc) statemachine-like support library focussed on use in Travis CI.


Define states and events like this:

class Foo
  include SimpleStates

  states :created, :started, :finished

  event :start,  :from => :created, :to => :started,  :if => :startable?
  event :finish, :to => :finished, :after => :cleanup

  attr_accessor :state, :started_at, :finished_at

  def start
    # start foo

  def startable?

  def cleanup
    # cleanup foo

Including the SimpleStates module to your class is currently required. We'll add hooks for ActiveRecord etc later.

SimpleStates expects your model to support attribute accessors for :state.

Event options have the following well-known meanings:

:from   # valid states to transition from
:to     # target state to transition to
:if     # only proceed if the given method returns true
:unless # only proceed if the given method returns false
:before # run the given method before running `super` and setting the new state
:after  # run the given method at the very end

All of these options except for :to can be given as a single symbol or string or as an Array of symbols or strings.

Calling event will effectively add methods to a proxy module which is included to the singleton class of your class' instances. E.g. declaring event :start in the example above will add methods start and start! to a module included to the singleton class of instances of Foo.

This method will

  1. check if :if/:unless conditions apply (if given) and just return from the method otherwise
  2. check if the object currently is in a valid :from state (if given) and raise an exception otherwise
  3. run :before callbacks (if given)
  4. call super if Foo defines the current method (i.e. call start but not finish in the example above)
  5. add the object's current state to its past_states history
  6. set the object's state to the target state given as :to
  7. set the object's [state]_at attribute to if the object defines a writer for it
  8. run :after callbacks (if given)

You can define options for all events like so:

event :finish, :to => :finished, :after => :cleanup
event :all, :after => :notify

This will call :cleanup first and then :notify on :finish.

If no target state was given for an event then SimpleStates will try to derive it from the states list. I.e. for an event start it will check the states list for a state started and use it. If it can not find a target state this way then it will raise an exception.

By default SimpleStates will assum :created as an initial state. You can overwrite this using:

# note that we have to use self here!
self.initial_state = :some_state

So with the example above something the following would work:

foo =

foo.state            # :created
foo.created?         # true
foo.was_created?     # true
foo.state?(:created) # true

foo.start            # checks Foo#startable? and then calls Foo#start
# calling foo.start! (with exclamation mark) would perform same actions as foo.start, but
# also call! afterwards.

foo.state            # :started
foo.started?         # true
foo.started_at       #
foo.created?         # false
foo.was_created?     # true

foo.finish           # just performs state logic as there's no Foo#finish

foo.state            # :finished
foo.finished?        # true
foo.finished_at      #
foo.was_created?     # true
foo.was_started?     # true