Extremely lightweight adapter between Rails and Solr.

SimpleSolr uses the REST interface that Solr offers and makes a great number of assumptions. This has resulted in a very fast, very lightweight library almost anyone can use straight away.

  • only a few dozen lines of code

  • extremely simple DSL

  • only depends on httparty

  • can handle all common use cases

  • has support for master/slave configurations

  • does not come with a bundled Solr

  • does not send a bunch of magic fields

And my personal favorite:

  • does nothing for unconfigured environments

If you have no development section in the config file (see below) then nothing will happen at all. Your models will not be indexed, but you are freed from having to run a local Solr instance as well.

Naturally there are downsides as well.

  • assumes an id field present

  • makes Solr commit after every change

  • does not come with a bundled Solr

  • no rake tasks included

This gem is not really suitable for use outside Rails, as it requires both ActiveRecord and ActiveSupport.

I owe a great deal to @outoftime’s Sunspot library. If you need a fully-packed solution that handles every Solr case you might have, use that instead.


Rails 2, in config/environment.rb:

config.gem 'simple_solr'

Rails 3, in Gemfile:

gem 'simple_solr'


Create a file called config/simple_solr.yml.

    hostname: "slave.local"
    port: 8000
    path: "/solr"
    hostname: "master.local"
    port: 8000
    path: "/solr"

If you have just one Solr server, leave out the master_solr section.

Your models

Then in your models include the following:

class Document < ActiveRecord::Base
  simple_solr do
    field :title

Only the fields listed in the simple_solr block will be sent to Solr, with the addition of the id field which is always included. The type of the field is not appended; the XML sent to Solr is as bare as possible.

This also means no type casting is performed on dates/times. If you need anything like that, use a lambda to manipulate the field to your liking.

Full example:

class FullDocument < ActiveRecord::Base
  simple_solr do
    field :id,            lambda { |record| "full-document-#{record.id}" }
    field :title
    field :date_creation, :created_at
    field :shared,        false
    field :published,     "Megacorp LLC"
    field :body

As you can see you have a couple options with regards to the fields:

  1. Do nothing - in which case the corresponding attribute is used

  2. A symbol - uses the instance method with that name as the value

  3. Static value such as a string or boolean - which is used verbatim

  4. A lambda - for your every customization need.

Use the latter form if you want to add a dynamic field to Solr. The model instance is passed as a parameter, so you can use every method inside the block, or run a calculation, or whatever.