SimpleSI for RubyMotion

I wanted a dead simple way to call SIAlertView ( in one line, similar to BubbleWrap’s App.alert().


Add simple_si to your Gemfile, and run bundle install: ruby gem 'motion-cocoapods' gem 'simple_si'

Edit the Rakefile of your RubyMotion project and add the following require line: ruby # After the line that require Rubymotion require 'bundler' Bundler.require

Then add SIAlertView to your pods list in your Rakefile: ruby app.pods do pod 'SIAlertView' end



ruby SimpleSI.alert('Hello World!')

Custom: ruby SimpleSI.alert({ title: "My App", message: "Are you sure?", transition: "drop down", # or "slide from down", "slide from up", "fade" or "bounce" buttons: [ {title: "Destroy", action: :destroy}, # no type specify become default styling {title: "Cancel", type: "cancel"} # action is secondary ], delegate: self # Needed if you want to call method of a class with your button })


Here’s the string you can pass to the transition property of the constructor (secondary). The default value is "slide from bottom".

  • "drop_down"
  • "slide_from_top"
  • "slide_from_bottom"
  • "fade"
  • "bounce"


You have 3 types of styling for buttons (secondary). The default value is "default" (that’s original).

  • "default"
  • "destructive"
  • "cancel"


  • Write specs


Fork, improve, submit a pull request.