Simple Resque

I needed a simple way to queue Resque jobs from a web app where the jobs were defined in a separate "worker" codebase, running completely independently from the web app. Unfortunately, Resque requires you to pass the class name of a job as a constant, when what I really needed was to pass a string which would get turned into a constant class name by the worker codebase. The gem assumes that the queue name is an underscored version of the class name.

I had to do this enough times that I decided to wrap the idiom in a gem, figuring that over time I'll need to add other simplifications of the Resque API.


gem install simple_resque


require 'simple_resque'

# puts a job on the transmogrifier queue with class "Transmogrifier" and
# arguments { id: 3, state: "back_to_calvin" }

SimpleResque.push("Transmogrifier",id: 3, state: "back_to_calvin")


SimpleResque.resque = Resque
SimpleResque.resque = MyResqueMock # useful for unit testing

Problems? Questions?

Email [email protected] or file an issue on GitHub.

Patches are welcome. Thanks!


See MIT-LICENSE for details.