

A uniform and simple way to create recurring payments with supported providers.


Add the gem to your Gemfile.

gem 'SimpleRecurring'

Install any payment gateway adapter gems by following instructions in their README.


Get a list of available adapters (including display name and version, for use in an admin panel or similar):


Get the adapter class:


Get an instance of the adapter:


Create a subscription:

# Create a credit card with a test number that expires Jan 2020 and has 123 as it's CVC.
# CVC is optional when using a card number (although, certain providers may require it).
credit_card ='4111111111111111', 1, 2020, 123)
# For providers that support tokens you can also pass in the token as the first parameter.
# Only the first parameter should be set when using a token.
# e.g.
# credit_card ='123abc_token_string123')

# Create a representation of the subscription.
subscription =
# Set the billing frequency.
subscription.billing_frequency = :monthly # :daily, :weekly, :monthly or :annually
# Set the number of billing periods.
subscription.billing_periods_count = 6 # Length in billing periods, nil or 0 for indefinite

# Get an instance of the adapter.
adapter = SimpleRecurring.adapter('adaptername').new

# Create the subscription and get a string or integer back to reference it by in the future.
subscription_reference = adapter.create_subscription(credit_card, subscription)

Canceling a subscription:

# Subscription reference was returned from create_subscription and should have been stored.
subscription_reference = '123abc'

# Get an instance of the adapter.
adapter = SimpleRecurring.adapter('adaptername').new

# Cancel the subscription. Returns true or false for success / failure.