title: Getting Started icon: /assets/images/icons/192.png description: Simple Material is a Jekyll-powered theme with a clean design following Google's Material Design guidelines. categories: blog-theme, portfolio-theme, material-design, github-pages device: Jekyll Theme permalink: /getting-started/ layout: page

drawer: false

Simple Material is a Jekyll-powered theme with a clean design following Google's Material Design guidelines.

It provides a a beautiful, clean and mobile-first fully-responsive interface for building your next website with minimal code. This is a plug-and-play Jekyll theme best suited to use on GitHub Pages without even setting up a local environment.

Table of Contents

  1. Key Features
  2. Installation
  3. Customizing the Theme
  4. Layouts
  5. Widgets
  6. Using Categories

Key Features


Gem Version

In a Jekyll site

Step 1: Create a new Jekyll site

jekyll new my-awesome-site
cd ./my-awesome-site

Replace my-awesome-site with the name of your site.

Step 2: Add the following lines in the Gemfile

source "https://rubygems.org"

gem "jekyll", "~> 4.2.0"
gem "simple-material", "~> 0.0.1"

And run bundle install to install the theme.

Use the latest version of the theme (see top of this page) instead of 0.0.1.

Step 3: Set theme in the site's _config.yml

theme: simple-material

Now, you can build and run your website with bundle exec jekyll serve --watch.

On GitHub Pages

Simple Material can be used with GitHub Pages without any need to set up a local environment. To do this, simply add the following line in your site's _config.yml.

remote_theme: saifkhichi96/simple-material

You can also fork the saifkhichi96/simple-material-demo repository as a starting point if you are unable to set it up on your own.

Customizing the Theme

Create a manifest.json file inside the _data/ directory in your project root, and provide the following details:

Property Description Required Default
name The name of the site as displayed to the user. -
icons List of one or more app icons. -
description Short description of the site. ? -
short_name Used in app launchers -
tagline Your site's tagline. -
categories List of website categories. -
lang ISO code of primary language of your site. en-US
theme_color Hex value of your site's primary color. #854fee

You must provide the name of your site, and at least one icon in the icons list, preferably at least 192x192 pixel in size. The description tag is not required but recommended because it is used in your site's metadata description, and in case of PWAs, in store fronts and install dialogs.

You can see a full example of a manifest.json here.

Setting up an Installable Web App

If you also provide values for the background_color and start_url fields, your site can be installed as a Progressive Web App. For a list of all supported fields, see this page. A service worker and install buttons are automatically added to your site.

Next, create a file called pwabuilder-sw.js in your site's root and copy the following code there:

const CACHE = "pwabuilder-offline";


self.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
  if (event.data && event.data.type === "SKIP_WAITING") {

  new RegExp('/*'),
  new workbox.strategies.StaleWhileRevalidate({
    cacheName: CACHE

You can now install your website as a PWA on any device.


Simple Material contains the following layouts:

Name Description
default Base layout of the theme.
page Layout for top-level or standalone pages in the website.
post Layout for blog posts.
project Layout for project pages to show details of a single portfolio item.

To define a page layout, use layout: name in the page's YAML front matter. If none specified, default is used.


Simple Material defines some view elements as reusable 'widgets'. If you are using a local Jekyll environment, you can include these widgets anywhere in your pages using the raw %{% include widget_name.html %}endraw % directive. Some of them are also used in the built-in layouts of the theme.

Goodreads Books (widget_goodreads)

Shows the recently read books of the specified Goodreads user. To link your profile, add your Goodreads user ID (an 8-digit number) in the _config.yml file.

  goodreads: goodreads-user-id

include widget_goodreads.html %

GitHub Contributions (widget_github)

Shows the GitHub contribution chart of the specified GitHub user. To specify the user, add your GitHub username in the social menu in _config.yml file.

  github: github-username

include widget_github.html %

Feedback (widget_feedback)

If your site's is open-source and hosted on GitHub, you can allow visitors to contribute to your site's source code or report issues using this widget. To use this,

  1. Include the widget in your page layout.
  2. Check that your project folder contains a git repository (i.e. .git/ folder exists).
  3. Check that the remote is set to project's GitHub repository (use git remote -v), which must be owned by you.
  4. Get a personal access token from GitHub with the repo scope.
  5. Set the JEKYLL_GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable before building the Jekyll website. For example, by running JEKYLL_GITHUB_TOKEN=token bundle exec jekyll build where token is the PAT you created in Step 4 above.

Using Categories

You can categorize your content based on categories. For this, you just need to add categories in front matter like below:

For adding single category: categories: JavaScript

For adding multiple categories: categories: [PHP, Laravel]