
Simple 4chan is a gem that fetches posts from 4chan. A complete reading solution to fetch posts from 4chan into your ruby, any rack-based or rails app. You set the board and simple-fourchan will fetch all posts from a board or thread number.


Just do in your Gemfile or install and do require '4chan'.

gem 'simple-fourchan'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install simple-fourchan


For now, you can only fetch a reply list to a subject.

array = Fourchan::Post.new "w", "1403853"


If the gem is loaded:

array = Fourchan::Post.new "w", "1403853"

It returns an array of 4chan posts.

You should start like this:

Fourchan::Post.new "BOARD_LETTER", "THREAD_NUMBER"

array = Fourchan::Post.new "w", "1403853"
posts = array.all

Useful methods:

Some methods may be missed depending what user submitted: title, image, thumb, etc....

posts.each do |post|
  post.title            # =>   "One of the best anime's in my opinion!"
  post.now           # =>    "09\/06\/12(Thu)14:20"
  post.name         # =>    "Anonymous"
  post.email         # =>     "[email protected]"
  post.com           # =>     "One of the best anime's in my opinion!"
  post.image        # =>     "http://images.4chan.org/w/src/1346955606165.jpg"
  post.thumb        # =>     "http://thumbs.4chan.org/w/thumb/1346955606165s.jpg"
  post.link            # =>     "http://boards.4chan.org/w/res/1403853"

You can also do this in a more through way:

posts.each do |post|

  puts post.no
  # 1403714
  puts post.sticky
  # 0
  puts post.closed
  # 0
  puts post.now
  # "09\/06\/12(Thu)14:20"
  puts post.name
  # "Anonymous"
  puts post.email
  # ""
  puts post.sub
  # ""
  puts post.com
  # "One of the best anime's in my opinion!"
  puts post.filename
  # "yoshimori and tokine wallpaper"
  puts post.ext
  # ".jpg"
  puts post.w
  # 1024
  puts post.h
  # 693
  puts post.tn_w
  # 250
  puts post.tn_h
  puts post.tim
  # 1346955606165
  puts post.time
  # 1346955606
  puts post.md5
  # "Rw+TXj1fkCTDKmj2DP2SfQ=="
  puts post.fsize
  # 257664
  puts post.resto
  # 0
  puts post.trip
  # ""
  # Check the end of this file to see the json example from 4chan.

For now, you should be able to access the content in the following way:

Json example from 4chan.

{"posts": [{"no":1403714,"sticky":0,"closed":0,"now":"09\/06\/12(Thu)14:20","name":"Anonymous","email":"","sub":"","com":"One of the best anime's in my opinion!","filename":"yoshimori and tokine wallpaper","ext":".jpg","w":1024,"h":693,"tn_w":250,"tn_h":169,"tim":1346955606165,"time":1346955606,"md5":"Rw+TXj1fkCTDKmj2DP2SfQ==","fsize":257664,"resto":0,"trip":""},{"no":1403717,"now":"09\/06\/12(Thu)14:25","name":"Lol","email":"","sub":"","com":"You don't know anime","time":1346955928,"resto":1403714,"trip":""},{"no":1403728,"now":"09\/06\/12(Thu)14:41","name":"Anonymous","email":"","sub":"","com":"<span class=\"quote\"><a href=\"1403714#p1403717\" class=\"quotelink\">&gt;&gt;1403717<\/a><\/span><br>Lol I do. Plus it's an opinion :P","time":1346956912,"resto":1403714,"trip":""},{"no":1403786,"now":"09\/06\/12(Thu)16:43","name":"Anonymous","email":"","sub":"","com":"I see you didn't watch Boku no Pico.","time":1346964202,"resto":1403714,"trip":""}]}


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request