
License Build Status

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Setup
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the gem is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


The simp-rake-helpers gem provides common Rake tasks to support the SIMP build process.

This gem is part of SIMP

This gem is part of (the build tooling for) the System Integrity Management Platform, a compliance-management framework built on Puppet.


  • Supports multithreaded mock operations
  • RPM packaging and signing
  • Rubygem packaging



# Variables:
# SIMP_GEM_SERVERS | a space/comma delimited list of rubygem servers
# PUPPET_VERSION   | specifies the version of the puppet gem to load
puppetversion = ENV.key?('PUPPET_VERSION') ? "#{ENV['PUPPET_VERSION']}" : '~>3'
gem_sources   = ENV.key?('SIMP_GEM_SERVERS') ? ENV['SIMP_GEM_SERVERS'].split(/[, ]+/) : ['']

gem_sources.each { |gem_source| source gem_source }

group :test do
  gem 'puppet', puppetversion
  gem 'beaker-rspec'
  gem 'vagrant-wrapper'

  # Puppet 4+ has issues with Hiera 3.1+
   if puppetversion.to_s =~ />(\d+)/
     pversion = $1
     pversion = puppetversion

   if'puppet', '~> 4.0').match?('puppet', pversion)
     gem 'hiera', '~> 3.0.0'

  # simp-rake-helpers does not suport puppet 2.7.X
  if "#{ENV['PUPPET_VERSION']}".scan(/\d+/).first != '2' &&
      # simp-rake-helpers and ruby 1.8.7 bomb Travis tests
      # TODO: fix upstream deps (parallel in simp-rake-helpers)
      RUBY_VERSION.sub(/\.\d+$/,'') != '1.8'
    gem 'simp-rake-helpers'


In a Puppet module

Within the project's Rakefile:

require 'simp/rake/pupmod/helpers'

In a Ruby Gem

Within the project's Rakefile:

require 'simp/rake/rubygem'

# e.g., "simp-rake-helpers"
package = 'name-of-rubygem', File.direname(__FILE__)

To see the extra rake tasks:

bunde exec rake -T

RPM Generation

This Gem provides the ability to generate an RPM from any Puppet module.

By default, the information for the RPM will be pulled from the Forge compatible metadata.json.

The name and version fields must be present and well formatted. The license field is also used if present.

NOTE: The dependencies in metadata.json are not used to generate RPM dependencies!

RPM Changelog

The Changelog is pulled from a file called CHANGELOG at the top level of the project. If this file does not start with a well formatted RPM changelog string, it will be ignored.

The Changelog is not fully checked before attempting to build the RPM. Your RPM build will fail if the Changelog entries are not valid per the RPM specification.

RPM Dependencies

It is likely that you will want to declare your dependencies in your RPM. To do this, you can create a build/rpm_metadata directory at the root of your project. A file named requires in the build/rpm_metadata directory will be used to declare the dependencies of the RPM. A file named release in the build/rpm_metadata directory will be used to declare the RPM release number.

The following directives may be declared in the requires file:

  • Provides
  • Requires
  • Obsoletes



rake pkg:rpm[chroot,unique,snapshot_release]

Builds an RPM to package the current SIMP project.

NOTE: Building RPMs requires a working Mock setup (

  • :chroot - The Mock chroot configuration to use. See the '--root' option in mock(1)."
  • :unique - Whether or not to build the RPM in a unique Mock environment. This can be very useful for parallel builds of all modules.
    • :snapshot_release - Add snapshot_release (date and time) to rpm version. Rpm spec file must have macro for this to work.

rake pkg:scrub[chroot,unique]

Scrub the current SIMP project's mock build directory.

rake pkg:srpm[chroot,unique,snapshot_release]

Build the pupmod-simp-iptables SRPM. Building RPMs requires a working Mock setup (

NOTE: Building RPMs requires a working Mock setup (

  • :chroot - The Mock chroot configuration to use. See the '--root' option in mock(1)."
  • :unique - Whether or not to build the SRPM in a unique Mock environment. This can be very useful for parallel builds of all modules.
  • :snapshot_release - Add snapshot_release (date and time) to rpm version. The RPM spec file must support macros for this to work.

rake pkg:tar[snapshot_release]


Build the pupmod-simp-iptables tar package

  • :snapshot_release - Add snapshot_release (date and time) to rpm version, rpm spec file must have macro for this to work.



Please see the SIMP Contribution Guidelines.



