
Short description and motivation.


How to use my plugin.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'signum'

Add signum to your package.json:

yarn add signum

Add signum to your application.js:

import { Signum } from "@entdec/signum"
// application is a Stimulus application


In controllers, or from background jobs, basically anywhere you want you can use the following methods:

Signum.signal(Current.user, text: "Hello world!"), text: "We're still here!")
Signum.error(Current.user, text: "Houston, we have a problem!")
Signum.success(Current.user, text: "The Eagle has landed!")

You can make a signal sticky, keeping it on the screen until you click it away:

s = Signum.signal(Current.user, text: "Hello World New", sticky: true, title: "Sticky")

You can add icons:

s = Signum.signal(Current.user, text: "Hello World New", title: "Icon", icon:'fa-regular fa-t-rex')

Buttons and links:

s = Signum.success(Current.user, text: "Hello World New", title: "Link1", buttons:[{title: "Google", url:""}, {title: "Apple", url: ""}], links:[{title: "Google", url:""}, {title: "Apple", url: ""}, {title: "Amazon", url: ""}])
s = Signum.signal(Current.user, text: "Hello World New", title: "Link2", buttons:[{title: "Google", url:""}, {title: "Apple", url: ""}], links:[{title: "Google", url:""}, {title: "Apple", url: ""}, {title: "Amazon", url: ""}], icon: 'fa-regular fa-t-rex')
s = Signum.signal(Current.user, text: "Hello World New", title: "Link2", buttons:[{title: "Google", url:""}, {title: "Apple", url: ""}], links:[{title: "Google", url:""}, {title: "Apple", url: ""}, {title: "Amazon", url: ""},{title: "Google", url:""}, {title: "Apple", url: ""}, {title: "Amazon", url: ""},{title: "Google", url:""}, {title: "Apple", url: ""}, {title: "Amazon", url: ""}])

You can also show a progressbar, this is based on count and total. Setting the count to total completes the progressbar.

s = Signum.success(Current.user, text: "Hello World New", title: "this is test title", buttons:[{title: "Google", url:""}, {title: "Apple", url: ""}], links:[{title: "Google", url:""}, {title: "Apple", url: ""}, {title: "Amazon", url: ""}], count: 75, total: 150)

You can also attach attachments

attachment = {io:"notes.txt"),
              content_type: "text/plain", filename: "notes.txt"}
s = Signum.success(Current.user, text: "Hello World New", title: "this is test title", attachments: [attachment])

Signum returns you the signal object. You can update these signals and they will be rebroadcasted again.


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.