sidekiq_monitoring_bitcrowd Build Status

Rails engine that provides a JSON API which serves Sidekiq status information from a HTTP-auth protected endpoint. This status information is gathered by scheduling a frequently running job that saves timestamps in Redis.


Add gem to your project:

gem 'sidekiq_monitoring_bitcrowd'

Mount engine in routes.rb:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  mount SidekiqMonitoring::Engine => '/sidekiq_monitoring'

Schedule job in whenever's schedule.rb:

every 5.minutes do
  runner 'SidekiqMonitoring::Status.refresh'

Be sure that your parent app provides HTTP basic authentication credentials using an initializer

# app/config/initializers/sidekiq_monitoring.rb
SidekiqMonitoring.http_auth_name = 'user'
SidekiqMonitoring.http_auth_password = 'password'

This engine's controller inherits from ApplicationController by default. You can change this using the parent_controller option

SidekiqMonitoring.parent_controller = 'SomeOtherController'


Navigate to /sidekiq_monitoring/status and receive Sidekiq status information:

  "timestamps": {
    "whenever_ran": "2018-01-23 15:05:02",
    "sidekiq_performed": "2018-01-23 15:05:02",
    "requested": "2018-01-23 15:08:28"
  "sidekiq": {
    "active_workers": 0,
    "queue_sizes": {
      "mailers": 0,
      "default": 0,
      "scheduled": 0,
      "retries": 0,
      "dead": 0
    "recent_history": {
      "processed": {
        "2018-01-23": 18,
        "2018-01-22": 0,
        "2018-01-21": 0,
        "2018-01-20": 0,
        "2018-01-19": 0
      "failed": {
        "2018-01-23": 0,
        "2018-01-22": 0,
        "2018-01-21": 0,
        "2018-01-20": 0,
        "2018-01-19": 0
    "totals": {
      "processed": 18,
      "failed": 0