
A Sidekiq server middleware. Requires sidekiq >= 4.0.0

This gem provides the ability to configure the maximum number of jobs a Worker will process before terminating. For an environment running Kubernetes this is a perfect addition because once the affected pod dies it will automatically be restarted resetting memory, database-connections, etc. with minimal interruption to processing throughput.

Origin Story

While working on a project for HappyFunCorp we were dealing with unmanageable memory growth on our primary DB. We did all the regular things for Sidekiq such as disabling prepared statements, running with uncached queries, etc. to no avail. After lots of Googling, like any dilligent developer does, we hit a dead-end. A number of people had seen this issue and reported it, yet there was no real guidance aside from "restart your workers periodically to free resources." We saw that this worked, however rather than setting up a CRON we decided to implement a middleware that gave each Worker the reigns at controlling its own fate. What started as a work-around, turned out to actually be a pretty good solution vs. switching to a different background-job processing framework. Given that others are facing the same / a similar issue, we wanted to give it back to the open-source community.

Install & Quick Start

To install:

$ gem install sidekiq-max-jobs

If you're using Bundler to manage your dependencies you should add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'sidekiq-max-jobs'

Next, add the middleware to your sidekiq initializer (typically: config/initializers/sidekiq.rb)

require 'sidekiq/middleware/server/max_jobs'
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
  config.server_middleware do |chain|
    chain.add Sidekiq::Middleware::Server::MaxJobs

If everything above is successful the next time you start your worker you will see a message like the following:

2020-06-10T00:23:31.789Z pid=73703 tid=oxifk6l13 INFO: Max-Jobs middleware enabled, shutting down pid: 73703 after: 100 job(s)

Configuration Options

Above we covered how to get started, but that's only the beginning. There are a few configuration options available to you to customize the middleware's behavior (currently only configurable via the environment):

  • MAX_JOBS: The number of jobs to process before terminating (default: 100)
  • MAX_JOBS_JITTER: Used as the upper-bound for calculating a random number between 1 and the value specified. This value is added to the MAX_JOBS value, mentioned above, to decrease the likelihood that all of your Worker(s) restart at / around the same time (default: 1)


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request