
This gem provides a Sidekiq middleware to prevent duplicate jobs from getting enqueued. Uniqueness can be configured at worker level or at function level.


Include the gem in your Application Gemfile:

gem 'sidekiq-dup-guard'

and then execute

$ bundle install

Configuring at Function level

At a time there can be only one job in queue with same arguments for the method's configured in dup_guard_methods.

Worker Example

class FooWorker
  include Sidekiq::Workers

  # Only method1 and method3 should have unique jobs
  sidekiq_options :queue => :foo, :dup_guard_methods => ['method1', 'method3']

  def perform(args)
    # Do work

  def method1(args)
    # Do work

  def method2(args)
    # Do work

  def method3(args)
    # Do work

This will ensure duplicate job's are not enqueued to queue from FooWorker.perform_async until is called for method1 and method3. If a job is already present for method1 and method3 with same arguments then Sidekiq job will not be enqueued.

Configuring at Worker Level

At a time there can be only one job in queue with same arguments for all the method's of a Worker.

Worker Example

class FooWorker
  include Sidekiq::Workers

  # All the methods of FooWorker should have unique jobs
  sidekiq_options :queue => :foo, :dup_guard_methods => 'all'

  def perform(args)
    # Do work

This will ensure duplicate job are not enqueued to queue from FooWorker.perform_async until is called for all functions of FooWorker. If a job is already present for a method with same arguments then Sidekiq job will not be enqueued.