
SIBA is a simple backup and restore utility. It implements daily backup rotation scheme. It is most suitable in sutuations when you need to have a history of backups. When run daily, SIBA retains full year history of backups by keeping 23 files in total: for the last 6 days, 5 weeks and 12 months.


  • Easy to use: configure, backup and restore with a single command.
  • Feature-rich: backup and restore files, MySQL, MongoDB databases to/from local or remote locations.
  • Secure: all backups are encrypted before moving to destination.
  • Cross platform: runs on any computer with Ruby 1.9 or later.
  • Easy to extend: developers can easily add new backup sources, archivers, encryptions and destinations.
  • Free and open source: use SIBA for any purpose without restrictions.


    $ gem install siba

(assuming that Ruby 1.9 and RubyGems are installed)


  1. Create a configuration file:

    $ siba generate mybak
  2. Backup:

    $ siba backup mybak
  3. Restore:

    $ siba restore mybak
  4. Show available plugins:

    $ siba list
  5. Show other commands and options:

    $ siba
  6. Create a gem skeleton for a new destination plugin:

    $ siba scaffold destination my-cloud

Tip: to create other plugin types, replace destination with source, archive or encryption.

Read more about SIBA plugin development

Scheduling backups

It is recommended to run siba backup command daily or hourly. Use your favourite scheduler to automate the process: Cron, Scheduled Tasks, iCal etc.

Supported plugins


  • files: backup local files and directories.
  • mongo-db: backup and restore MongoDB (homepage).
  • mysql: backup and restore MySQL database (homepage).


  • tar: archive with optional gzip or bzip2 compression.


  • gpg: encrypt with AES256, Blowfish, Twofish, 3DES and other ciphers.


  • dir: backup to local directory.
  • aws-s3: upload backup to Amazon S3 storage (homepage).
  • ftp: store backups on FTP server (homepage).