Scriptlandia-R – Running scripts for Java VM

Installing Scriptlandia-R

RubyGems is the preferred easy install method for Scriptlandia-R. However, you can install Scriptlandia-R manually as described below.

Installing the Gem

$ sudo gem sources -a

Scriptlandia-R is dependent on 2 plugins:

$ sudo gem install rjb
$ sudo gem install buildr


$ sudo env JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_HOME gem install rjb 
$ sudo env JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_HOME gem install buildr

Scriptlandia-R is intended to be installed via the RubyGems [] system. To get the latest version, simply enter the following into your command prompt:

$ sudo gem install shvets-scriptlandia

You must have RubyGems [] installed for the above to work.

After installation you have to configure the gem:

$ sudo sl --configure

You have to enter the location of Java Home and Jar Repository Location.

Now you can run scripts:

$ sl Hello.bsh
$ sl Test.scala

To install dependencies (jar files) for the language, run this command:

$ sl --install bsh
$ sl --install scala