Show me the cookies
Some helpers for poking around at your Capybara driven browser's cookies in integration tests.
Supports Capybara's bundled drivers (rack-test, Selenium Webdriver), and adapters for other drivers may be added (at time of writing Akephalos is also available).
# puts a string summary of the cookie
# returns a hash of the cookie
# form: {:name, :domain, :value, :expires, :path}
# puts a string summary of all cookies
# returns an array of cookie hashes
# form: [{:name, :domain, :value, :expires, :path}]
# deletes the named cookie
# removes session cookies and expired persistent cookies
If you find this useful, the best way to say thanks is to take a poke around the code and send feedback upstream. Bugs / requests / suggestions should be raised in the Github issues tracker.
Code contributions should be sent by github pull request, or contact me with a link to your repository branch. Patches should be small, isolated, testable, and preferably tested.
New drivers should be accompanied by a passing API spec. Driver-specific edge cases should not be added to the shared spec unless thought to be of general interest. API spec should not be changed because something doesn't work – try to fix the driver, or make an addon gem.
More tests are welcome.
Add to your gemfile's test group:
gem "show_me_the_cookies"
in step_helper or your support directory:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include ShowMeTheCookies, :type => :request
Example usage
In a request spec, using Capybara
specify "user login is remembered across browser restarts" do
#browser restart = session cookie is lost
Install by loading the gem and adding the following to your stepdefs or support files
Scenario: remembering users so they don't have to log in again for a while
Given I am a site member
When I go to the dashboard
And I log in with the Remember Me option checked
Then I should see "Welcome back"
When I close my browser (clearing the session)
And I return to the dashboard url
Then I should see "Welcome back"
Scenario: don't remember users across browser restarts if they don't want it
Given I am a site member
When I go to the dashboard
And I log in without the Remember Me option checked
Then I should see "Welcome back"
When I close my browser (clearing the session)
And I return to the dashboard url
Then I should see the log-in screen
Then /^show me the cookies!$/ do
Then /^show me the "([^"]*)" cookie$/ do ||
Given /^I close my browser \(clearing the session\)$/ do
History, Credits, and Acknowledgements
Original development took place when testing Devise 0.1's "Remember me" functionality under rails 2.3.x with capybara rack-test and/or selenium. Initial release as a gist here, early development sponsored by Medify.
Contributions outside of github have been made by: