Show me the cookies

Some helpers for poking around at your browser's cookies in integration tests.


  # puts a string summary of the cookie

  # returns a hash of the cookie
  # form: {:name, :domain, :value, :expires, :path}

  # puts a string summary of all cookies

  # returns an array of cookie hashes
  # form: [{:name, :domain, :value, :expires, :path}]

  # deletes the named cookie

  # removes session cookies and expired persistent cookies


If you find this useful, the best way to say thanks is to take a poke around the code and send feedback upstream.

Bugs / requests should go in Github issues.

Code contributions should be sent by github pull request, or contact me with a link to your repository branch.

Patches should be small isolated changes, and testable, or preferably tested.

More tests are welcome.

New drivers should be accompanied by a passing API spec. Driver-specific edge cases should not be added to the shared spec unless thought to be of general interest. API spec should not be changed because something doesn't work, fix the driver or make a plugin gem.


Add to your gemfile's test group:

gem "show_me_the_cookies"


in step_helper or your support directory:

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.include ShowMeTheCookies, :type => :request

Example usage

In a request spec, using Capybara

it "remember-me is on by default" do
  member = Member.make
  visit dashboard_path
  page.should have_content "Login"
  within '#member_login' do
    fill_in "Email", :with =>
    fill_in "Password", :with => member.password
    click_on "Sign in"

  page.should have_content("Dashboard")
  page.should have_no_content("Login")
  #     Given I close my browser (clearing the session)

  #     When I come back next time
  visit dashboard_path
  page.should have_content("Dashboard")
  page.should have_no_content("Login")


Install by loading the gem and adding the following to your stepdefs or support files



Scenario: remembering users so they don't have to log in again for a while
  Given I am a site member
  When I go to the dashboard
  And I log in with the Remember Me option checked
  Then I should see "Welcome back"

  When I close my browser (clearing the session)
  And I return to the dashboard url
  Then I should see "Welcome back"

Scenario: don't remember users across browser restarts if they don't want it
  Given I am a site member
  When I go to the dashboard
  And I log in without the Remember Me option checked
  Then I should see "Welcome back"

  When I close my browser (clearing the session)
  And I return to the dashboard url
  Then I should see the log-in screen


Then /^show me the cookies!$/ do
  puts inspect_cookies

Given /^I close my browser \(clearing the session\)$/ do


At time of writing, Rails session cookies looked something like '_appname_session', and can be found with browser resource tracker (e.g. firebug) or using Rails 3's Rails.application.config.session_options[:key]

History, Credits, and Acknowledgements

Original development took place when testing Devise 0.1's "Remember me" functionality under rails 2.3.x with capybara rack-test and/or selenium.

Initial release as a gist here, early development sponsored by Medify.

Contributions outside of github have been made by:

  • Leandro Pedroni -- Rails 3 session cookie detection (no longer in the code but present in readme)
  • Matthew Nielsen -- added culerity support & encouraged gem release