
  • The official ruby gem for's REST API

Install Step 1

gem install shove

Install Step 2

Grab your network id and API key from shove at

Install Step 3

Configure shover with your credentials

require "shove"

Shove.configure( :network => "network", :key => "apikey" )

Broadcast messages

# broadcast the "hello" event on the "default" channel with # Hello World! as the data Shove.broadcast("default", "hello", "Hello World!") do |response| puts response.error? puts response.status puts response.message end

Direct messages, "hello", "Hello World!") do |response| # handle response end

Authorize a user

# authorize user with id userid on channel "default" Shove.authorize(userid, "default") do |response| # handle response end

Block and Non-blocking

shover does both. If the shover code happens to run inside of an block, the HTTP calls will leverage em-http-request. Otherwise, the requests fallback to net/http requests. We recommend using EM if possible.